After over a year of not being able to log some miles together as a group, our Run Duluth crew will be meeting again!!!

We are excited to announce our first Run Duluth meetup of 2021 will be hosted by Ursa Minor and combined with the weekly Thursday night Northstar Joggers group, which is also starting back up again on the same day!


People have been reaching out wondering when we would be able to do this again for a while now and the time is finally here 🙂 Join us this Thursday, June 10th @ 6 PM for a walk/jog/run-of-all-abilities-welcome jaunt from the brewery followed by some social time to hang out and catch up — it’s been far too long!

We hope to see a lot of familiar faces, as well as plenty of newcomers, to help celebrate the start of summer and getting back to our amazingly fun community of runners! Show up solo, or bring a crew to tag along, everyone is invited!

Also, the first person on both Facebook and Instagram (can’t be the same person) to comment on the posts of this article that they will be attending will receive a free beverage of choice compliments of – make sure to come see me to claim your winnings 🙂

Looking forward to Thursday!!!