I was able to get over to the upper peninsula (U.P.) of Michigan recently and had such an incredible time!

This was my first multi-night backpacking trip since a Superior Hiking Trail (SHT) thru hike back in August of 2015, and wow did it feel amazing to be back on the trail for an extended period of time! Instead of heading back to the SHT for this one, I headed over to Porcupine Mountains State Park.

My last overnight backpacking trip was in the BWCA, so it was neat being back on the shores of Lake Superior!

Hanging in the hammock

The first night was spent on an inland lake, while the last two nights were right on the Big Lake!! Hearing the waves as you fall asleep is pretty magical…and so is going for a swim after a day on the trail!

Lakeside campsite

On top of the great backpacking, I was also able to get out for a couple fun trail runs once camp was setup for the day! This definitely had me daydreaming about trail running camps in the future 🙂

I can’t begin to explain how amazing this trip was. I’m not sure if it was just being back in the woods for that long again, or due to needing it more than ever, but I was so happy throughout my time backpacking! It was very clear to me that this was something my mind and body NEEDED. If you’re at all considering going for an adventure into the woods, go for it! The health benefits are almost immediate, and from my experience, increase as the length of trip extends. If you’re not sure regarding what to bring or where to go, or even how (if you’ve never given it a try), reach out and we can chat through details that will get you more confident about getting outside!

I also can’t recommend this Michigan State Park enough! It was expansive, beautiful, and pretty remote – what more could you ask for?!?

Have fun planning your next outdoor adventure 🙂