Everyone around Duluth knows about Grandma’s Marathon weekend. It rolls around every June and gets a lot of attention, with good reason – it’s an amazing event.

However, I’d like to shift the focus for a bit to a newly created (sure-to-be) Duluth running staple – the Northwoods Winter Marathon and Half Marathons.

Both races are part of a larger Winter Trail Series put on by the wonderful folks over at Adventure Running Company. In addition to normal winter running, there are also snowshoe divisions for both the full and half marathons.

I am signed up to run the half marathon on January 4th, 2020 and couldn’t be more excited! The bike trails in Lester and up on Hawk’s Ridge are amazing in the summer, but become magical within the winter wonderland! Although I did not do this race last year, I am looking forward to being a part of the 2nd edition šŸ™‚

I also think it’s held at a perfect time…right after the holidays!

If you’re anything like me, being signed up for a race filters into other areas of my life, usually meaning I am more diligent with sleep (try to be anyway), diet, sticking to a regular running schedule, fewer beers/ciders/wines/etc. To have a race on the calendar for early January will help me make smarter choices when the Christmas & New Year’s onslaught of food/alcohol come my way.

I have a huge sweet-tooth, and if I have one of something, it usually means I’ll have ten – along with a stomach ache! Any extra motivation for me to keep this in check is certainly helpful.

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With the unique running/outdoor community here in the Northland, and the fact that winters are long (so you might as well get out and enjoy it!), I have no doubt that this will become the January version of Grandma’s.

So I hope you join me for what is sure to be a fun, fantastically ran/organized event on January 4th next month and start 2020 off on the right foot by enjoying a few miles through two of Duluth’s wonderful trail systems!

See you there šŸ™‚

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