Sweat. It’s something that active people have to deal with on a regular basis.
I’ve been used to perspiration during athletics for a long time, however, a semi-stressful event last year had me awake at night and sweating (while not even moving) during the day.
The added stress at the time was making me sweat for no reason…and this stress-sweat was not pleasant. Freaking gross actually.
I had been staying away from aluminum zirconium for several years and thought I had found my go-to deodorant – but it was now doing nothing for me, almost making the sweaty situation even worse!
It was at this time that I started thinking about trying a new deodorant that also had some antiperspirant properties, as well as including only natural/safe ingredients.
That’s when I stumbled across Primally Pure’s Charcoal Deodorant. It had great reviews and safe ingredients – it scores a 0 in the Think Dirty app (be careful, you may start scanning everything in your house!) – I decided to give it a try.
Well, I became hooked after one day of use! Long story short, it completely wiped away the sweat problems I was having!!! After a couple months of dealing with a newly acquired underarm issue, I was relieved to have something work so well. The scent is great and the dry application (vs. some of the wet/slimy ones I’ve tried before) was an added bonus.
I’ve been using the deodorant for almost a year now and could not be happier with it! If you are having any reservations about your current deodorant, I highly encourage you to give this one a chance, it has definitely changed my life for the better! They also have other deodorant options, but I have not used them as the charcoal version seemed like a perfect fit for me.
The only other Primally Pure product I can speak to and endorse is the Baby Kit. We’ve been using the different products on our newest member of the family for about 5 months and have loved them! Especially with winter rapidly approaching, the moisturizing baby oil (and gentle nature of their products in general) should help protect Elin’s skin as the temperatures drop. Even in the summer it was helpful having each of these products for her.
If you are interested, be sure to Use coupon code THEDULUTHRUNNER for 10% off your entire first purchase!
Well, there you have it, a post about deodorant. Fun times over here at duluthrunner.com 🙂 Thanks for hanging out!!