This is the sixty-first edition of The Duluth Runner Interview Series, where I get in touch with (mainly) local runners and athletes to share a bit of their story while inspiring others to pursue an active lifestyle.


“My name is Sandi Fogo and I have been a runner/slogger (slow jogger) for almost 45 years! I started running in my mid-20’s about a year after I quit smoking and have continued to run, run, and run. I just reached an age milestone this spring as my age now starts with a number between 6 and 8. (think you can guess it!) My goal was to run at least one half-marathon in this new age group and succeeded this past June in Duluth.

To top it off, this was my 40th half-marathon with 29 Garry Bjorklunds, 10 Whistlestops, and 1 in Portland, Oregon. I am not fast, I am not a year round runner, and I am not quitting. I live outside Superior with my husband and have the best job in town: RETIREMENT!”

Today’s guest is…Sandi Fogo!



Why is running important to you?

I enjoy being outside and it is a time for myself and a great stress reliever especially when I was working. Living in the country, my runs are on gravel roads and very quiet.

What are the top two or three things that you do to prevent injury? Have you been susceptible to certain injuries in the past?

I must say all I do is run slow which seems to help prevent injury.

What keeps you motivated when you don’t feel like heading out the door for a workout?

I know it helps to be entered in events from 5K’s to half-marathons as then I have a goal. I also believe in exercise and to keep moving.

Who is in your workout support group (training partners, people to bounce ideas off of, etc.)?

I run alone but do get motivated for half-marathons with a friend as we talk on the phone prior to races and we go together to the Garry Bjorklund. We ride the bus together and also rode the shuttle to the Bridging the Gap Women’s 10 Mile just held in Duluth.


I do enjoy being with her on the way to these races and then get to celebrate after the race by going out to breakfast. I also have a wonderful friend who meets me three times on the Garry Bjorklund course which keeps me motivated to keep going. She has been doing this for many years and appreciate her being my cheerleader.

When/what is your next race?

My niece and I just ran the North End Nightmare 5K on Oct. 30th. We have run 16 races together as it is great to run at least one race a year together as she lives in the Twin Cities.


Do you prefer roads or trails and why?

Roads! I ran a tough trail run in May in the Cities.

What do you think about while you run?

Anything that pops in my mind. Sometimes I listen to music or think about nothing or everything.

What is your most memorable race or running achievement?

Running my first Garry Bjorklund half-marathon at age 40 and running my 40th half-marathon in my new age category – hope to do a few more.


Name one racing experience you would like to forget (please describe).

I really don’t have any I would like to forget.

* indicates required

What is something non-endurance activity related you would like to share with readers?

Golf! I love to golf.


Many thanks to Sandi for stopping by Duluth Runner to share some of her knowledge/experiences with everyone. I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Interview Series – stick around for more to come!