This is the forty-second edition of The Duluth Runner Interview Series, where I get in touch with (mainly) local runners and athletes to share a bit of their story while inspiring others to pursue an active lifestyle.


Today’s guest is a Duluth-area trail running machine, having fun racing anything from 5k to 100 miles. She enjoys spending time with her family, especially at their Northland cabin during the summers.

She is currently a nurse practitioner doing wound care at a handful of skilled nursing facilities in the area. Today’s guest is…Tammy Davis!


Why is running important to you?

Lots of reasons! I love to be active and spend time outdoors. Running keeps me grounded and helps me solve what’s on my mind. My dogs love to get out too. They’re high energy (German Wirehair and German Shorthair) so we love to see what we can see on trails. I love running with friends which of course hasn’t happened much this past year unfortunately.

My daughters pacing me the final segment of Superior 100 in 2019. Photo credit: Dan LaPlante

What are the top two or three things that you do to prevent injury? Have you been susceptible to certain injuries in the past?

Luckily I have not had any significant injuries keeping me down. To prevent injury, I just listen to my body. I rarely head out with a rigid goal of XX miles. I just take what feels right. I think rest days can be even more important than another hard work out day. Mixing in other activities also helps to prevent injury, especially strength training. I love to ski and bike too.

What keeps you motivated when you don’t feel like heading out the door for a workout?

Definitely my dogs. The will harass me until no end to get them outside. Rex (my older dog) will stare at me and even start barking if he thinks it’s time. Seriously.

Who is in your running support group (training partners, people to bounce ideas off of, etc.)?

We have an incredible group of women in Duluth known as the Red Hats. It has nothing to do with the traditional Fancy older ladies Red Hats society! We’re not that classy.

We just love to run trails when we can all sneak away from life for a while. Maybe run a remote, rugged, relentless event when we can have events again. And Gretchen Metsa. She’s a strong, badass, wacky 218 trail runner that I adore.

Superior 100, 2018 – with a couple of my Red Hat buds.

When/what is your next race?

Possibly Black Hills 50 in June if we can safely have events again by then. I completed the Black Hills 100 in 2019. The Centennial Trail is GORGEOUS. Its kind of like mixing together Hartley’s pines, Lester River COGGs Trail, while going up and down Spirit Mountain. It’s so pretty.

Do you prefer roads or trails and why?

I prefer trails but I honestly don’t mind roads for a quick handful of miles. I like the peace and solitude of the trail while letting my dogs run free.

Black Hills 2019

What do you think about while you run?

Everything! My family, work, pandemics, world crisis, and when it’s time-my next race 🙂

What is your most memorable race or running achievement?

Completing the Gnarly Bandit Series in 2019. It was a ridiculous commitment and it was crazy hard. Would I do it again? No. Was it the best time ever? It’s up there!

Name one racing experience you would like to forget (please describe).

I don’t think I have one. It has all been good experience and has helped me learn and gain strength. I guess I couldn’t care less about some of those steamy Grandma’s Marathon races from the early 2000s but they had their purpose and place at the time. Lol!

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What is something non-running related you would like to share with readers?

I have the best friends at the lake and they are like family to me. We take pontoon boat rides in the sun, tackle an insane amount of projects helping each other, 4 wheel to places I wouldn’t dare to run alone, and we hang out solving the world’s problems in the Tiki Bar. They make my life so happy!


Many thanks to Tammy for agreeing to stop by Duluth Runner and share some of her knowledge/experiences with everyone. I hope you enjoyed this edition of the Interview Series – stick around for more to come!