As many of you know, I’m a big Altra shoe fan – both on trails and the road. However, even equipped with the Lone Peak’s crazy grip, they are no match for studded running shoes when the trails (or roads) get icy…that’s where the Icebug shoes comes in.

Their newest version is the Icebug Pytho5 BUGrip Trail Running Shoe with Carbide Studded Traction Sole (men/women). Let’s jump into the details!


It’s hard to describe just how awesome these things are in dicey conditions, especially ice covered terrain. I specifically wanted to test them on frozen bike trails where there can be icy patches that normally leave you on your butt if you don’t see them coming in time (like the previous run on the same trail).


After only 100 meters of testing these out on the trail I had all the confidence in the world, and for good reason – you can literally hear these shoes doing their job.

The carbide studs are INCREDIBLE! I went right over slanted glare ice with no problem (or worry) at all.



This is the only area of the shoe that left me wanting more.

The toe box was both stiff on the upper (bending in awkward places leaving hot spots on tops of toes on both feet) and a bit cramped (which I acknowledge most shoes would feel that way after being used to Altras for years now). I was hoping after 3 hours of combined time in them these shoes would break in a bit more above the toes.


I would also critique the length of the laces that come standard – they were way too short! After leaving the final loop holes unused it was still difficult to double tie the laces…I’m not sure I would have been able to tie them single knotted lacing them all the way up. But this shouldn’t be a deal breaker as this issue is easily remedied with new laces, but not something you necessarily feel like doing after purchasing shoes.


Overall Feel

Overall these are fantastic shoes that serve their purpose VERY WELL – keeping you on your feet while traversing tricky trails.

Especially if you are currently in more traditional shaped shoes, I’m sure you would have no problem in these Pytho5’s and I fully recommend them to you. As mentioned above, I admit after years of roomy toe boxes in Altras I have a hard time going back.

If trail conditions have you second-guessing yourself (or skipping your run altogether), these shoes (men/women) will come in handy and have you sticking to a more consistent training routine (and the ground!) throughout the winter. Head over to Tortoise and Hare to pick up a pair of your own!