I’m registered for my first race since last fall’s Hixon 50k.

On Saturday, May 21st I’ll be running in the Superior 12.5k on the Superior Hiking Trail up at Lutsen. It will be my 1st time running this race and I’m looking forward to it!

I have been pretty relaxed with my training ever since Hixon at the end of October. 2021 was my highest mileage training year ever, even without running much in November and December, so my mind/body needed the break. Instead of my usual running routine, I was only running 1-2 times a week. I took more saunas and more naps with the absence of consistent running. It felt pretty good, but after a while it almost became too much relaxation for me (and getting to loose on my eating habits).

Getting through the lottery process for the 12.5k was exactly the kick-in-gear I needed to start focusing on training again. Last week was my first 5-day training week since October and it felt good to commit to a routine again!

* indicates required

Even though it’s still over 3 months away I’m beyond excited to give this distance a try. Certainly a change from last year’s ultra training, and I think my body is ready to go shorter/faster (hopefully faster anyway!).

Good luck to everyone else training for one of the spring Superior races and hopefully see you up there!

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