This weekend Nichole and I will be running the Whistlestop Half Marathon together – something we’ve done before and I’m really looking forward to it!

I spend a lot of time running throughout the year, but not nearly enough of it is spent running with my wife! It is obviously a lot easier for one of us to get out for a run vs. both at the same time and needing someone to watch the kids while we’re gone. So I’m excited to spend a little time running with her on the beautiful Whistlestop course on Saturday!

* indicates required

For those that haven’t given this race a try (they also have a full marathon, as well as 5k and 10k distance options), I highly recommend it! The course is on a hard-packed gravel trail through the woods (essentially an un-paved Munger trail), typically during some great fall leaf colors – a wonderful setting to run a race! Also, if you’re like me and enjoy cooler running temps, this race is for you 🙂

Good luck to everyone else toeing the line for one of the races on Saturday – hope to see you out there!

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