Well, all of my 2021 training has come down to this! I executed my taper and now I just have to get plenty of rest the next couple of days.

The nerves are certainly building (mainly excitement, so that’s good!) in anticipation for the 5:15 AM start Saturday morning, but looking back on my training helps give me some confidence, along with the current weather forecast for race day!

The goal as always will be to focus on having fun – there’s no doubt I race better not worrying about everything that is going down on the trail and simply enjoying the day. So if you see me out there, remind me if I look like I’m having a terrible time 🙂

I can’t imagine the amount of stress race director John Storkamp has had to deal with the past year and a half with races getting cancelled or adjusted due to COVID-19. Then for this race he also had to deal with the potential of needing to cancel due to area wildfires! This means he had to both plan for cancellation (and everything that goes into that decision), as well as get things ready for race day should it be held (thankfully it will be!) – if you happen to be running or going to watch and see John, be sure to say thanks for all he does for the sport of trail running.

To everyone toeing the line in the marathon, 50 miler, or 100 miler this weekend – good luck and enjoy the race…and remember to thank the volunteers as well!!