I’m registered for my first race since last fall’s Harder ‘N Heck Half Marathon.

On Saturday, September 11th I’ll be running in the Superior 50 mile race from Finland to Lutsen on the Superior Hiking Trail. This will be my 3rd time attempting the race and I’m hoping to put some of that experience to use on race day.

Being signed up for a race filters into other areas of my life, usually meaning I am more diligent with sleep (try to be anyway), diet, sticking to a regular running schedule, fewer beers/ciders/wines/etc. This typically leads to me feeling better overall and ready to go for race day.

* indicates required

Even though it’s still a couple weeks away I’m starting to get the nerves/butterflies that go along with attempting something outside of one’s comfort zone. And no matter how many times you’ve ran an ultramarathon, it’s still 50 miles and needs to be respected. In addition, I’ve had some issues with overheating during training runs this summer with the non-stop heat, so I’m really hoping for cooler temps come September 🙂

Good luck to everyone else training for one of the fall Superior races and hopefully see you up there!

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